


Platform Tickets
Mark Valentine

Available one hour on day of issue only.
Not valid in trains. Not transferable.
To be given up when leaving platform.
            For conditions see over.
             1  |  2  |  3  |  4  |  5  |  6

Available one hour to watch trains
and wonder at the fates of strangers
to be given up when leaving platform.
            For complications not over.

Available one hour to meet arrivals
who are known and not transferable
and not given up when leaving platform.
            For cohesions not over.

Available one hour to sit in a café
and transfer melancholy to coffee
given up to the cracked cup on leaving.
            For conditions not over.

Available one hour to walk to the end
and transfer the gaze to the long way
beyond to be given up when leaving.
            For visions now over. 

Available one hour on a day no other
use for the hour is valid or transferable
so it is just to be given up to a shrug.
            For convictions now over.

Available one hour to belong   to long
for valid and not transferable love
and not to give up the hunger
            For complicities now over.
‘A local loss
Across and off the platform ticket found . . .’
from ‘Strike’ by Veronica Forrest-Thomson.

Mark Valentine writes ghost stories, essays about old odd books, and modernist poetry. His work is mostly published by independent presses, including Tartarus Press (UK), The Swan River Press (Dublin), Sarob Press (France) and Zagava (Germany).


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