


Stage Directions
Sean Bugg

after Courtney Kampa

Instead of rainbow, read color riot
and completely let go allow yourself

to put away fear by shelving it next
to grace at the point where it says

sudden summer storm, kiss him passionately
and understand that he’s your soulmate

because you’re a foot-pop romantic
made from for tv-movie cliches

And whenever it is written to hold hands,
you must think cinema-siege and persist

crossing out foreplay and rewriting as
his tongue catapults the curtain of your hips

Delete any remaining distance between syllables
and pray

If it says dance then do so, primitively
Where it asks permission, say gladly
Sean Bugg is a poet and writer living in Richmond, VA. He currently teaches English to high school seniors in a neighboring county. Sean graduated from the University of Virginia in 2011. His poetic interests include lyric sequence, the stories they tell, and the secrets they keep. His work has previously appeared in 3.7 Magazine, Literary Laundry, and Gadfly Online.


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