Your forearms bulge as
cradle my fontanelle. I am so
small in your swole, your record-
breaking ability to gather and
hold. Boss, Papa, Santa, whatever works, you do you
to us all, you, the one who is
incredibly material in Seattle,
covered in pores. The Kiehl’s I bought
as a gift for you should open up
your cheeks to the light of the white
orbs adorning your headquarters.
Maybe you’ll finally notice your body
is still here on Earth and
think to direct me to it.
cradle my fontanelle. I am so
small in your swole, your record-
breaking ability to gather and
hold. Boss, Papa, Santa, whatever works, you do you
to us all, you, the one who is
incredibly material in Seattle,
covered in pores. The Kiehl’s I bought
as a gift for you should open up
your cheeks to the light of the white
orbs adorning your headquarters.
Maybe you’ll finally notice your body
is still here on Earth and
think to direct me to it.

Sonnet for Jeff Bezos with Andy Warhol
Adam Bangser
I love Amazon
I love how I can divide
the morning into Prime
and not Prime
depending on my login
Two days
and I’ll have it
Into the smoother
than ever cortex the click
carves its signature
I’m liable to lob lateness
at the camera to keep it
from like liking me
I love how I can divide
the morning into Prime
and not Prime
depending on my login
Two days
and I’ll have it
Into the smoother
than ever cortex the click
carves its signature
I’m liable to lob lateness
at the camera to keep it
from like liking me
Adam Bangser’s satire and poetry have appeared in McSweeny’s and The Offing, respectively. His acting has appeared in plays and comedy shows at The Public Theater, The Brick Theater, The Annoyance NY (RIP), and The Brooklyn Comedy Collective, among others, and in the film WET TUX, which premiered on NoBudge in 2019. He received a poetry MFA from Brooklyn College, where he teaches writing and literature.
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